Sales and inferior paint Soho is punishment

Using citizens to "duoleshi", "China resources" brand paint trust, illegal businessmen came up with a false idea, thought that as long as the packaging, the same can be stolen, what did not escape the critical of the ministry of commerce and industry. Recently, suspected of the caohe city of soho of production sales and inferior products a been QiChun police criminal detention. On March 13, QiChunXian according to industrial and commercial bureau receives masses to report the caohe town someone selling counterfeit famous brand "duoleshi", "China resources" coatings. The ministry of commerce and industry rapidly with the county public security bureau public security management team to law enforcement and anti-counterfeiting special operation, in a warehouse in county bearing factory seized suspected counterfeit "duoleshi", "China resources" coating 491 groups, stands at more than 150000 yuan. Seized in confirmation after 491 groups of coating are all fake and inferior products, case quickly from the ministry of commerce and industry to the public security organs. But the other side is very cunning, has been used to set up entity shop, shop goods separation, people such as the separation, phone orders, direct door-to-door delivery of sales in the form of investigation is very difficult. After MoPai police more than a week, finally still locking the 58 city of soho, a, and its success in 20 captured. A replacement via TuShen, Iraq, he sells fake "duoleshi", "China resources" started in October 2013. When a man claiming to be "zhang" came to his LiBangQi stores sell "duoleshi" and "China resources" fake coating, because snaked through the huge profits, then contact the many times, and through the logistics purchasing and selling the "duoleshi" and "China resources" brand thousands of fake and shoddy coating group, involving a value of RMB 100000.
| Updated:2014.04.08    Source:The eastern evening news    Clicks: