Food and environmental friendly ink out

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In the current food plastic packaging printing, benzene soluble chlorinated polypropylene ink most widely used. This kind of ink manufacture and use of technology is mature, mainly used in BOPP (BOPP) materials of India,and the gravure way. Although this kind of ink excellent printability, finishingperformance, fast drying, but due to the relative toxicity of toluene solvent residues larger, printing was high; thermal stability of chlorinated polypropylene, during production and storage, easy to release chlorine andhydrogen chloride, so that the ink more acidic, on a printing plate roller andthe production of serious corrosion; benzene soluble ink can damage the ozone layer, cause harm in the use of the process will be on the health and safety of workers, and residue residue in the packaging products, under certain conditions on the packaging of food caused a certain degree of pollution. The ink is tend to be eliminated, in Europe and some developed countries have successively formulated a ban or control the use of this kind of ink.

It is because of benzene soluble ink problems, environmental friendly inkemerge as the times require. Use of environmentally friendly ink, has no pollution to the environment, and wrong operation personnel cause physicalharm, but also will not cause damage to the food packing.

Ink has been available are: water-based ink

Water based ink is currently adopted abroad most of the gravure printingink, which is mainly composed of a water-soluble resin, organic pigment,solvent and auxiliary agents by composite grinding and into. Water soluble resin is the connection of the water ink feeding, domestic often choosewater soluble acrylic resin as bonding material, the heat resistance, weather resistance, chemical resistance, pollution resistance and gloss all has significant advantage, whether direct or synthetic polymer emulsion scattered dissolved, all show good performance, water-based ink does not contain volatile organic solvents, not only can reduce the toxicity of the remainder of the printing, but also to prevent the fire from contact withflammable solvents electrostatic. Water based ink is not only a new "green"printing inks, and it is the best product to replace benzene soluble ink.

Ultraviolet (UV) curing ink

UV curing inks refers to ultraviolet light in a certain wavelength, coupling material in the ink on the cross-linking reaction, change from a liquid to asolid state complete curing of inks, it before coupling material dissolution,high molecular prepolymer is firmly to form a film of ink. UV curing inks are mainly used in flexible printed soft substrate, which is composed ofprepolymer, reactive diluents, additives, pigments, light initiator / syntheticcomposition. The reactive diluents affect migration reaction ink formula;performance additives on the ink (ink printability, mobility, substrate wetting,friction coefficient, wear resistance, pigment dispersion and stability) and printing smell adjustment; requirements of pigment on the spectral range ofUV absorption as may be small, the ideal pigment has good dispersion,good leveling, strong coloring, in the light irradiation ultraviolet absorptionsmall, for the characteristics of polymerization reaction no nuisance. The use of UV curable ink printing should be paid attention to when thepolymerization inhibition, surface tension and wetting, ink viscositycorrelation with moisture, printed version of the expansion; the ink adhesionto plastic is not good, so the production of plastic flame or corona treatment, to improve the adhesion of plastic surface.

Electron beam curing inks (EB ink)

Electron beam curing inks are able to quickly change from a liquid to a solidink in the high energy electron beam irradiation, also known as EB inks. The electron beam energy is high, have very strong penetration of pigment and filler of solid composition, ink pigment or filler does not appear to hinder theabsorption of dry ink, not inside the membrane affected.

Ink for printing materials, when it used in food packaging, must comply withsound principles. Food packaging shall not use the regular ink, printermanufacturers must ensure that the printing ink solvent ink requires all volatile, cure thoroughly, the appropriate standards and meet the application industry.

| Updated:2014.06.10    Source:    Clicks: